Apostle Ruth Peterson was raised by the late Bennie and Claudia Peterson Collins in Palm Beach County, FL. She received Christ at the early age of thirteen. She felt the call of God on her life in 1971 and was ordained by Apostle James Williams of Springfield, Mass. After many years of study and ministry, she became the Founder and Senior Pastor of The Anointed Ones Church of Deliverance International and The Anointed Ones Fellowship of Ministers & Churches. For her outstanding work done throughout Pitt County and abroad, in 1995, she was honored with the Doctor of Divinity Degree and Doctor of Humane Letters in Education from United Christian College proclaiming her as God’s Elect, an Educator and Humanitarian. She also earned a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry Degree in 2000 from Christian Life School of Theology, Columbus, GA.
For over 30 years, Apostle Peterson has been in full-time ministry with the heart of a true servant. In 2002, she was favored to Co-Host the prestigious Manpower Conference at Craven Correctional Institute for T.D. Jakes Ministries. As a woman of vision, integrity, leadership, and compassion, she has ministered extensively in over sixty-four nations and on four continents. In 2004, she made several trips to East Africa, distributing medication and blankets. She traveled to Gulu and ministered in the refugee camps and gave food supplies and prayed for the leaders and children. Her travels took her to Mbale where she provided uniforms for the children and assisted in building the church. In the same year, Apostle Peterson also traveled to South Africa ministering to the needs of the people.
Commending her absolute faith, dedication, visionary leadership and the extraordinary impact her church has on the quality of life in the community, the Honorable Stephen W. Tripp, Mayor of Ayden, NC, honored Apostle Peterson with a Proclamation declaring March 5, 2005 as Dr. Ruth Peterson Day. She was recognized by former Governor Jim Hunt as one of the Most Distinguished Women in North Carolina. She was privileged to give the invocation in our State’s Capitol for the NC House of Representatives and the NC Senate.
She is under the Covenant Covering of Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr., Mt. Calvary Holy Churches of America. In 2010, she was appointed the third female Bishop to The Joint College of Bishops. Bishop Owens appointed Apostle Peterson as the Jurisdictional Bishop of Eastern North Carolina and she was established as the International Director of Prayer for the Mt. Calvary Holy Churches of America.
Her first book, Preparation for Restoration, was published in March 2011. She has been invited to teach in Russia, using her publication as the authentic textbook. Apostle Peterson is committed to reaching the nations of the world to build a people that will be strong and vigilant for the kingdom of God. The multi-faceted aspects of her ministry and the love of God emanating from her, has impacted the lives of thousands.